Local pharmacies in Las Vegas, NV

City Pharmacy
Best Pharmacy
Pros: I love everything and everyone \rCons: I don't have any complaints
Acrx Specialty Pharmacy
Stay away if your life depends on them!
Pros: Stay away if your life depends on them getting your medications! I have stage 4 cancer and spoke with them BEFORE my doctor called in an order for high dose IV Vit C, which has been proven to work with the chemo I am currently on. We looked for a compound pharmacy that could get it in a timely manner. I was assured by the pharmacist himself he could fulfill the prescription within a week and quoted me a price. My doctor sent in my prescription. The first week came and went, I was then told it would be one more week and would be there today (2 weeks later) I called this morning to verify it was there and was told it would be there today and they would call as soon as it was ready for me to pick up. Just called again as I had not heard back from them and was told that the saline bags were not delivered and that they would have to find someone else to buy them from. If they can't get 12 bags of saline in two weeks, there is something seriously wrong with them! Further, they know I am terminal and have been waiting on this as a last hope ... but they clearly have no concern for their customers. Again, if your life depends on them ... RUN don't walk somewhere else.\rCons: Stop lying to patients about when a prescription will be done and only take prescriptions they are able to fill in a timely manner.